Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Go Big!

GO BIG! This is what truly inspires me.......

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

The Courage to be

Unless you are a realized being, pain is an inherent part of life. Quote on quote "bad things" will always happen to us. We will make "mistakes" and hurt ourselves and others. Who we want to be and who we are will drift apart. To put in short, like Hayden so eloquently, we will fall. If you kayak you must swim, if you ski you must crash, if you live you must fall. Pain is an inherent part of the human experience and no matter how hard we try we will never, ever be able to run from our problems. Yet the pain can be so great that we may not feel capable of facing them.

It is funny actually, what may feel like falling is in actually just realizing that we are already on the ground. It doesn't feel good, but that hard slap to the face deserves to be appreciated. I cheated on a girl once. When I finally realized what I did, what really struck me was not that what I did was a self-serving, selfish thing to do but instead the realization that I was selfish and self-serving.

Before we can start walking again, we have to stand up. But standing up can be so hard. Where am I supposed to find the courage to look myself in the eyes again and accept myself as something that I do not want to be? I'm with Nietzsche here, "what doesn't kill you only makes you stronger" but I would add, only if we have the courage to accept our situation, otherwise, the pain will kill you and it will be impossible to learn. So now I know when I fall there is no choice: stand up or die.

Monday, February 16, 2009

The Fall

Everyone falls in life and sometimes we question what we are doing with our lives. In my mind this is the worst place to be in life but this is when the most is learned. Everyone falls and with every fall there is a lesson to be learned. In my life I haven't really had to deal with that many problems but when I do deal with the demons in life the best way to get the picture through is to face the them full front. In the last few weeks I have really learned something about myself, I cannot live a meaningless life. It took me a will to understand that there is more to life than just the mob. People are only people and you are only you.....listen to yourself and don't get caught up in what is not true to you. There are demons that live with us everyday and we must learn to live with them. Most of the demons in our lives are only there because we create them, stay true to yourself.

Everyone falls but we get up. The fall is an important part of life and why we survive and I think that there is only one way....get back up!

Sunday, February 15, 2009


I dream of endless rock walls that are untouched. I dream of first ascents and new adventures....its that simple. I dream of a life of meaning and care.