Monday, December 29, 2008

The Disconnection

Once upon a time we thought of ourselves as part of the earth. Now we think the earth is ours. We used to feel the soil beneath our feet, now we drive cars. It is hard to deny this connection has been lost as we exploit the mother who gave us birth. While the current global situation is exemplary of this disconnection it is only a symptom of much deeper turmoil: that which exists within. Our disconnection with the earth translates into a disconnection between that voice in our heads and the human being which (although we try) is undeniably connected to the world around us. Luckily enough for us we are still a part of the earth and have the full capability to realize this connection (or so I am told). To me this is the modern human experience; self-inflicted confinement to our heads with an easily misinterpreted desire to rejoin the mother that gave us birth. And how will we find Freedom?

Tess Freeman Photo

Books That Contributed to this Idea
: Touching Enlightenment with the Body by Reginald Ray
The Food of the Gods by Terrence McKenna